Day 6

Effective Ministry (by Pastor Joseph) There is a great deal of responsibility associated with ministry work so this is not a decision to take lightly. All Ministers are Chosen by the Lord Ephesians 4:11-13Christ chose some of us to be apostles, prophets, missionaries,...

Day 5

Light in the pandemic (by Daniel) We are living in very trying times, times of significant grief. In addition to our personal challenges and losses, we face a historic pandemic, political strife, rekindled racial tensions, and economic uncertainty.No matter how...

Day 4

PRAYING FOR FAMILIES | By Evelyn Might The Christian family is top target for Satan and the host of hell. It is visibly clear that one of Satan’s top agenda is the wrecking of homes, marriages and families, and this agenda is the same of Christians and...

Day 3

Power of the Holy Spirit (by Kevin) The Holy Spirit is indispensable to the body of Christ and to our individually lives, so indispensable that Jesus did not begin his ministry without the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The bible tells us that the Holy Spirit came...

Day 2

Dedication towards the Kingdom of God Dedication towards the Kingdom of God is a very important characteristic of every faithful Christian. We are not saved by acts, however every believer that understand the greatness of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary...

Day 1

Repentance (By Austin Odunuyi) The concept of repentance in the Bible is not limited only to heathen and pagans nations coming to faith, or lost sinners turning back to the Lord. Repentance is also greatly connected to God’s chosen people making amends whenever they...