Power of the Holy Spirit (by Kevin)

The Holy Spirit is indispensable to the body of Christ and to our individually lives, so indispensable that Jesus did not begin his ministry without the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The bible tells us that the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus like a dove in Luke 3:22 and again the bible says Jesus was led to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit in Matthew 4:1

If Jesus who is the son of God by essence needed the presence, the help and power of the Holy Spirit how much more we who are sons and daughters of God by adoption. Jesus recognised this limitation not only for himself but also for his disciples when he said to them to tarry in Jerusalem until they are clothed with power Luke 24:49

Jesus said it is to your advantage that I go, why? So that the Holy Spirit will come on you Because in this world you will face many trials and sorrows. Your enemy, the devil, is devoted to bringing you down in any way possible. You need power to stand and resist, you need power to fight back and power to overcome.

Prayer Points

  1. Let’s pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to stand against the lies and schemes of the enemy. Many times we have fallen victim of the enemies tactics.There is power in the truth and the bible calls him the Spirit of truth John 16:13
  2. Let’s pray for the supernatural abilities and the strength to fight the good fight. The Holy Spirit gives the ability to do things that we couldn’t do otherwise psalm 18:29 (32)
  3. Let’s pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be set free from sin, demonic oppression and even self destruction. Many people live in bondage but the promise of the Lord in 2 Corinthians 3:17 is of freedom
  4. The Holy Spirit gives the power to stand against discouragements. People will disappoint you, systems will disappoint you, the world will disappoint you but the Holy Spirit empowers us to push through it all. Jesus was betrayed by his close circle and crucified by his own people but he never gave up because he had a comforter John 14:16
  5. Let’s pray for the power to witness. The very thing that Peter could not do the Holy Spirit enabled him to do. At Jesus’s arrest he denied him but at the coming of the Holy Spirit he testified about him acts 1:8 the Holy Spirit