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So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it (Genesis 1;27,28)

The family is a divine institution ordained by God, as seen from creation when God made Adam and Eve, and as further established in Genesis 2:24, which states, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” 

In the light of God’s design according to scripture, the family is the primary context in which individuals encounter God’s love and truth. Therefore, maintaining family integrity is essential for both spiritual development and the well-being of each individual and the society (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). Protecting and nurturing the family is a call we must uphold in a world that seeks to redefine its purpose and as we see its foundational structure come under serious attack in contemporary society.

A major attack on the family is the rise of relativistic values that undermine the sanctity of marriage. The normalization of cohabitation and same-sex unions challenges the biblical definition of marriage. Additionally, the obvious influence of secular ideologies promotes individualism over communal responsibility, eroding the family unit’s bonds of love and support. The culture of individualism, driven by materialistic values, has led families to prioritize personal ambition over collective unity. In Philippians 2:4, we are reminded to look not only to our own interests but also to the interests of others

The impact of media and technology often distort family dynamics through depictions ofdysfunctional relationships and the glorification of rebellion against parental authority. (Ehphesians 6:1-4) Furthermore, the rise of divorce has created instability, which has led to emotional, psychological, mental, and spiritual crises in children.

1. Protection from Division
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” (Mark 3:25)
Prayer: Rebuke the spirit of division and rebellion on our homes. 

– Declare that our families will stand united in love and purpose, resisting any divisive influences.

2. Restoration of Marriages
“Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” (Mark 10:9)
Prayer: Rebuke forces of darkness that contend against the success of marriages

– Speak restoration and healing over every marriage, that God’s covenant love may prevail, let peace be restored and broken relationships mended back together in Jesusname.

3. Strength Against Worldly Influences
“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” (Romans 12:2)
Prayer: Declare that standard and influence of the world will not overcome our families. Bind and push back every negative and third-party influences over spouses and their children, 

– Pray that our families will be transformed by God’s Word, pray for the reinstating of God’s standard in our homes and lives, that we will stand firm against all ungodlyideologies.

4. Empowerment of Parents
“Train up a child in the way he should go.” (Proverbs 22:6)
Prayer: Pray for divine wisdom and strength upon parents to raise children in the ways and fear of the Lord.

5. Contend for troubled families – 
Families where there deep hurts, they don’t want to see or deal with each other, 

Families where there has been all sorts of attacks, spiritual, mental and protracted illnesses 

Families that struggle with addictions, alcohol, drugs, and other substances. 

– Prayer: Pray that the yokes of infirmities, sickness, addictions, courses be broken over every family in Jesus name

– Declare God’s healing over the wounds, the hurts, the mind, the relationships in Jesusname.

– Declare a restoration of all that they lost, they family bonds, joy, peace, and sound health be restored in Jesus name

6. God’s Protection over every Family 

he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down.” Ex 12:23 

Prayer: Declare the blood of Jesus as a shield and covering over your family from all forms of destruction, 

– Buy the Blood of Jesus, we deny access to every destroyer, to falsehood and demonic ideologies, to sicknesses and the spirit of untimely death, to the spirit of division and confusion, etc. and we call our homes safe zones in Jesus name 

7. Growth, Stability, and Prosperity 

Prayer: According Gen 49:22, Declare that your family, like a fruitful vine, is planted in the word of God, that your family is gaining roots and stability. Declare your stability in the faith, in the word, and in prayer, declare a stable mind, stable job, and stability in all that we do in Jesus name. 

– As a fruitful vine declare that you are fruitful and productive, you flourish in the works of our hands, in your jobs, in your finances, in your academics, and in all that you do in Jesus name 

– Declare your family’s victory over the spirit of stagnation and limitation, declare your hearts and mind open for growth. Declare growth over your family in all spheres of life, spiritually, mentality, academically, and financially in Jesus name

1 Comment

  • Amara
    Posted January 8, 2025 at 6:58 pm

    In Jesus’ Name, Solid Rock will be known for Christ-centred marriages and homes.

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