The lost souls and the unsaved are non- Christians, those who have not yet been saved. They do not have the right relationship with God and are exposed to eternal damnation for their sins. Our Lord Jesus simply refers to such people as those who neither believe in Him nor in His teachings.  They have not received the message of salvation.

God in His infinite mercy does not want any soul to perish, but for ALL to come to repentance. This is the primary reason our Lord Jesus Christ was sent into the world. Jesus confirmed this mission when he said, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32, 2nd Peter 3:9e, NIV).

The message of repentance is what every unsaved soul needs. For those of us who have been saved, it is our primary responsibility to pray and preach the word of God to the lost. The scripture in John 10:10 warns that “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (KJV).

To us who have been saved, we have been commission with the mission for which Jesus came, to prevent the devil’s plan for the unsaved. Our mission is to win the lost for Christ.

In the world we live today, innumerable souls are perishing, even among our family members, friends, work colleagues and acquaintances. They need to confess and believe in their hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead for them to be saved (Romans 10:9).

It is important to know that the salvation of the lost is a spiritual warfare. Satan wants to keep them blinded in their mind from realising their need to be saved.

2 Corinthians 4:4, NLT:  explains that “Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God”. But thanks be to God who is all-powerful and is more than able to heal the blindness of the lost and open their spiritual eyes and minds to the gospel that is able to save them.

While it is our responsibility to bring the gospel to the lost, it is the work of the Holy spirit to convict them unto repentance and salvation.

As we continue to fast, pray and evangelise to the lost soul and the unsaved, testimonies are bound in Jesus Mighty Name (Amen).

Prayer Points

  1. Thank God for His patience and longsuffering towards the lost, not wanting them to parish but waiting patiently for them to repent. (2 Peter 3:9)
  • Thank God for His grace and mercy towards the lost, for tempering His Justice with mercy. It is of the Lord’s mercy that they are not consumed (Lamentation 3:22)
  • Pray that the Spirit will break every stronghold in their minds, arguments, thoughts, and ideologies that are contrary to the word of God, let them be destroyed by the Truth. As they hear the word of God, those arguments and lies are being destroyed by the truth the receive. (2 Cor 10:4,5 casting down strongholds and arguments)
  • Pray that as we go out to minister to the lost, the father will draw them into His kingdom, the kingdom of darkness will be depopulated, and many souls will come to the knowledge of Christ. (John 6:44, No one can come to Jesus except the father draws him)
  • Pray that through the manifestation of the power of the Holy-Spirit, the light of God will radiate over every lost soul/unsaved in Jesus’ name.
  • Pray to God to grant every lost soul genuine repentance, and the grace not to look back or fall by the wayside (Luke 9:62).
  • Pray for every lost soul that the Holy Spirit will remove every heart of stone and replace it with the heart of flesh (Ezekiel 3:26).