Ireland, once known as the nation of Saints and Scholars, and an apostolic nation that raised and sent missionaries all around the world in the past, has today completely turn her back to the Lord Jesus and His gospel that they once believed, upheld, and proclaimed.

Ireland in the last decade has legalised several practices that goes completely contrary to her status as a Christian nation, as a result, Ireland is now said to be a post-Christian nation. Ireland passed the marriage equality right in a referendum in 2015, changing the definition of marriage and legalising same sex marriage . In 2018 the 8th amendment was repealed, legalising abortion. Other bills introduced thereafter include the “Dying with dignity bill” which basically is assisted suicide and others.

The scripture says in Proverbs 14:34 “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Psalm 33:12 AMP, “Blessed (fortunate, prosperous, and favoured by God) is the nation whose God is the Lord”

To contend in this context simply means, to compete, challenge or oppose. So, contending for the nation of Ireland is standing in the gap to pray for the nation of Ireland in relation to everything that will make the nation what God intends for it to be.

What makes a nation not simply the territory or geographical area but its people. So, we all as a people, make up the nation of Ireland because we are the people inhabiting this geographical area known as Ireland.

The church according to the word of God is on earth on a mission to establish God’s kingdom, God’s will, God’s rule, and God reign on earth. We do so in many ways including through the preaching of the gospel, an through prayer.

Matthew 6:10 NIV “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”.

It is our responsibility to pray and intercede and ask that the will of God be done on earth which includes Ireland, and that comes with the blessing of God as in Psalm 33:12.

In Jeremiah 29:7 the word of God came through the prophet that the people of Israel, whilst in exile should pray for the city they live in for its peace and prosperity because if the city prosper they too will prosper.

 “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2) 

Zechariah stood before the nation of Israel in 2 Chronicles 24:20 when the Spirit of God came upon him and told them that since they have disobeyed the Lord’s command, and have forsaken him, likewise God has also forsaken them, therefore they are not going to prosper. It means that it is the Lord that makes a nation prosperous and that depends on their relationship with him. It is our duty to pray as the people of God to challenge, oppose and resist anything that will cause the nation of Ireland to distance herself from God.

Prayer topics:

  1. Thank God for the prophetic destiny of Ireland and for significant missionary and humanitarian work that has been accomplished and continue to be accomplished through the nation of Ireland.
  2. Pray that the nation of Ireland will recognise her backsliding and repent and turn back to God
  3. Mt 6:10 Pray that the will of God be done in Ireland,
  4. Jer 29:7 Pray for the prosperity of Ireland,
  5. James 1:5 Pray for solutions to the challenges facing the nation in the area of healthcare, housing, standard of living and the economy.
  6. Pray and make a declaration that the nation of Ireland is the Lord’s
  7. Mt 18:19 – 20 AMP Pray against any policies that undermined the agenda of God in Ireland,
  8. 6. Mt 7:7-8
  9. pray for how you want to see Ireland years ahead.