Many people all over the world are afflicted with sicknesses and diseases. Some have long-term illnesses that have no medical solution. They continue to manage the excruciating pain without a hope of a permanent cure.

Also in recent times, there has been an increase in the number of people struggling with emotional and mental health issues like anxiety, depression, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, various type of addictions and self-destructive habits.

The good news is that God’s will is for us to live a healthy life (3 John 1:2). He has made provision for our well-being through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. We do not have to live with sicknesses and diseases in our spirit, soul and body. (Isa 53: 4-5, Matt 8:16 -17)

The healing power of God begins in the spirit of man. God is not just interested in physically healing us but in healing broken hearts and reviving our spirit. (1 Thess 5:23)

Sicknesses and diseases is not from God.

Read : Luke 11:16

The bible tells us in John 10:10 that the thief (devil) comes to steal, kill and destroy.

The strategy of the devil is to steal your health, kill and totally destroy it just like he did in the case of Job. (Job 2:4-5, Job 2:12-13).  Praise be to God that Jesus came to give us life and give us life in abundance.  It is a total package that covers your body, soul and spirit.

Finally, James 5:13-15 tells us what to do when we are afflicted or have health challenges.

Verse 13 says:  ‘ Is any among you afflicted? Let him PRAY’

Verse 14 says:  ‘Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them PRAY over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord

Verse 15 says: And the prayer of faith shall save (heal) the sick.

So, God’s children, God has made provision for your healing and total well-being. All you need to do is to believe His word, let faith rise within you and see sickness and disease leave you to the glory of God.

Prayer points

1. Act 3: 2-9, John 9:1 -9

Pray for people with congenital diseases (Disease from birth). Heart abnormality, blood disease.

2. Luke 8:43-48, Luke 13: 11:12

Pray for people with Long-term illnesses

Rebuke Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Heart conditions, immune system disease, respiratory system disease, brain tumour

3.  John 11:4,   2 Kings 20: 1-6

Pray for people with terminal diseases. Rebuke Cancer, Stroke

4. 2 Tim 1:7,   1 John 4:18

Pray for people living with fear and anxiety. Taking authority over the fear of death, fear of sickness, fear of failure, fear of the future and the torment that fear brings

5. Isa 61:1

Pray for people under the bondage of affliction of any kind. All forms of addiction (drugs, pornography, gambling and other self-destroying behaviours). Take authority over these foul spirits and decree total freedom to those are held captive by the spirit of addiction

6. Rom 8:11, Matt 12: 43-45Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be activated in the life of God’s children. The Spirit of God that dwells in God’s children gives life to our mortal bodies. The power of God’s word be made manifest in your life. Let the word of God take root in our heart, so we don’t give room to the devil