The youths of this generation are dealing with a new kind of challenge. Many are confused about faith, identity, etc because of new age ideologies and philosophies that are flourishing in these times. Their sense of focus, purpose and direction is hugely challenged because they are bombarded with too many distractions in today’s world.
The kingdom of darkness is after the youths of this generation. Most of the criminal activities in our societies today are carried out by Youths. The devil likes to catch them young and naive. Every youth that must stand out in life must stand with Jesus. If they don’t hold tight unto their faith in God, the devil would easily sweep them away with Sin in the guise of pleasure. As believers we must uphold the youths in prayer, that God would give them a willing spirit to serve the Lord. We must stand in the gap for our youths, asking the Lord to grant them the spirit of Holiness and Righteousness. We must pray that the Love of God be seen in their lives. When our youths and children start having active relationship with the Lord, it will set them on the right path in life, the path of the will of God and the path of purpose. Whether you are a youth reading this or an elder, let us all pray for our youths and children today in expectation of God’s promise of revival amongst the youths.

Prayer Points:
Purpose – Because God has a plan and purpose for every young person (Jeremiah 29:11)
Winning them early as youths means that they know what God has planned for them and are working towards it. Many youths don’t find this out until much later in life and in that time they might have wasted precious years.
Lord give them passion and a deep-seated purpose for living, direct them to your path for their lives now (Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 139:13-16, Jeremiah 1:5, Romans 8:28-29)

Friendships – The truth of the matter is you are (and become) who you hang out with.
When praying for our youths and Children, it’s vital to ask God to give them wisdom in choosing their friends and to bring people into their lives who will point them to Christ.
I also pray that God will use students to encourage and build up each other like never before and not tear each other down. (1 Corinthians 15:33, Hebrews 10:25, 1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Character – Youths today are bombarded with every temptation known to man,
and the enemy is seeking to destroy their character.
I pray that the youths and Children will experience ongoing transformation by having their minds renewed and that they’ll be examples to the world in their speech, lives, love, faith and purity.
Pray for more Christ-like role models for our youths and Children, particularly among their own peers. (1 Timothy 4:12, Romans 12:1-2, Psalm 24:4)
Purity – “Pure” means free from anything of a different, inferior or contaminating kind.
God’s people need to have pure thoughts, words and behaviours. Being and staying pure in today’s world is not an easy feat especially for youths. Again, the need for godly friends and role models is important here; but most importantly living in purity is made easier when we are right with God (2 Timothy 2:21-22; Titus 1:15 James 4:8)
Pray God will help our youths see through the enemy’s lies. Ask God to strengthen them and give them the drive to flee sexual immorality and help them reserve the gift of sex for marriage . (John 8:32, 1 Corinthians 6:18, 1 John 4:4)

Submission & Honour – As I’m praying for our youths/Children, I pray that this generation will submit to Christ and to people in authority over them. May God give them grace to love, respect and honour their parents, teachers, spiritual leaders and governing officials and most importantly God Himself. (Ephesians 6:1-3, Hebrews 13:17, Mark 12:17)

Spiritual Growth – It’s never too early for our youths & children to know God for themselves
(there is no junior Holy Spirit) pray that God nurtures the soil of their hearts and grants them a greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit so they may grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ.
(Luke 2:52, Galatians 2:20, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 3:16)

It is said that the youths a tomorrow’s leaders but the preparation for tomorrow starts NOW. Their tomorrow will be fruitful and prosperous because they have a strong foundation.

  1. Open up the spiritual eyes of our youths/Children that they may come to the knowledge of the one and true living God, Jesus Christ, believe in Him and accept Him as their personal Lord and Saviour. That they may have a sustained relationship with their creator, study and follow his word daily. (Romans 10:1
  2. Pour out Your Holy Spirit on all our youths/Children and give them visions, dreams and revelations. Give them spiritual knowledge, wisdom and understanding that they may better understand Your calling and purpose in their lives and fulfil them. (Jeremiah 29:11
  3. Let Your divine angelic protection always be around them. Deliver them from strategies, devices, agents and weapons of the evil one and lead them not into temptation. Guide them by Your Holy Spirit inside of them. (Romans 12:2
  4. I pray that they read, study, meditate and follow Your word, The Bible. They are committed to fellowship and service for the Lord, and are submissive under shepherd to their Parents, teachers, spiritual leaders, government & God. (Psalm 119:9-10,
  5. I pray that they recognize the traps the enemy has spread out all around them. Help them to flee all forms of immorality, sexual immorality, pornography, malice, pride, etc (1 Cor 10:3,
  6. I break the power of darkness against their lives in the name of Jesus Christ and I plead the blood of Christ Jesus, head to toe, upon all of them. They have been washed, cleansed, redeemed, justified and sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ.
  7. May they prosper in all they do. They excel in their spiritual walk with God, in their education and become good citizens of our society, promoting and exalting the word of God in all they do, recognizing God as their source for everything and opening up their mouths with thanksgiving and praise for all He has done for them. (1 Tim 4:12,